I can’t wait to get outdoors, I’ve got a big adventure in store
I’m gonna build a giant fort, Out in the backyard
Come on Gwen, come out to play, The sun is shining down today
I wouldn’t be any other way but out in the backyard
The wilderness is calling!
Put on your boots and start walking
Right out your back door
Hey check out this ladybug, Now look at this slimy slug
My heart is just filled up with love, Out in the backyard
Come on Ginny, come outside, I’ll take you for a toboggan ride
Out on the grass, ya that’s just fine, Out in the backyard
The wilderness is calling!
Put on your boots and start walking
Right out your back door
There’s Darwen playing in the sand, She’s made up a Dino land
Tyrannosaurus in her hand, Out in the Backyard
I’ve just got to get outside, I’ve got a tasty lunch in mind
Raindrop soup and a big mud pie, Out in the backyard
The wilderness is calling!
Put on your boots and start walking
Right out your back door
The wilderness is calling!
Put on your boots and start walking
Right out your back door
Into the great outdoors
I want to walk in the woods with you
Stop and sit where the creek runs through
Boots a little wet from the morning dew
We’ll listen to the water flowing.
I want to be where the sticks and stones
Are lifting me up and healing my soul
I want to hear the whippoorwill
And feel that warm breeze blowing
Hold up, slow down, don’t you know that you’re walking on sacred ground?
Oh my my, the sweetest sounds, can’t you feel your wild heart growing?
I want to paddle on a glassy lake
When the water’s still just before daybreak
Know the sound that the sweet loon makes
As I pass gently rowing
I want to sit by a crackling fire
And sing until our voices tire
Tell me all your stories and your heart’s desires
There’s beauty in the knowing
Hold up, slow down, don’t you know that you’re walking on sacred ground?
Oh my my, the sweetest sounds, can’t you feel your wild heart growing?
I want to lie in the pitch-black dark
And hear the beat of my own heart
I want to count to a thousand stars
And see that full moon glowing
Hold up, slow down, don’t you know that you’re walking on sacred ground?
Oh my my, the sweetest sounds, can’t you feel your wild heart growing?
That’s mother nature’s potion
Feel your wild heart glowing
Did you know that little bees help apples grow on apple trees?
Watermelon, pumpkin seeds, we owe so much to little bees
Did you know that little bees help pollinate your strawberries?
From north to south and west to east, we owe so much to little bees
Saviez-vous que les petites abeilles aident les amandes à pousser?
Même les concombres! Oui, c’est vrai! On remercient les petites abeilles.
While you might know that little bees are the creators of sweet honey
They help grow lots of what we eat, we owe so much to little bees
They do a lot for you and me, we owe so much to little bees
Birds singing in an old pine tree
Nothing in the world is troubling me
Wilderness far as the eye can see
I’m camping in Tamagami
High cliffs beside a turquoise lake
Look out for the rattlesnake
Is there a porcupine in that spruce?
I’m camping on the Bruce
I walk along singing my little camping song
Feet step in time, a sweet percussion on the ground and the woods resound
A dragon fly just landed on my nose
And it tickles me down to my toes
A hawk flies high into the air
I’m camping in Killbear
I walk along singing my little camping song
Feet step in time, a sweet percussion on the ground and the woods resound
Loon call across the quiet bay
Squirrels running to and fro all day
A warm fire as soon as it gets dark
I’m camping in Algonquin Park
I walk along singing my little camping song
Feet step in time, a sweet percussion on the ground and the woods resound
I wanna prance just like a white-tailed deer
See me grinning ear to ear
The owls hoot and the fireflies glow
I’m camping in Ontario
I’m camping in Ontario
I see dark clouds rolling in
I hear thunder, I feel wind
I can taste a raindrop on my chin
Storm is coming, let’s go in!
I see sunshine peaking through
Clouds are parting, sky is blue
I think I see a rainbow too
I wanna go back outside with you
I’m a tree, won’t you look at me
My branches reach up high, I really touch the sky
I’ve got roots that stretch deep into the ground
And spread out far and wide and all around
I start out my life as a nut or seed
A root emerges and soon a stem and baby leaves
I begin to grow up toward the sun
And create oxygen for everyone
It takes many years to grow this tall and wide
A great big tree you see needs a lot of time
My lovely leaves rustle in the wind
If you close your eyes it sounds like I’m whispering
I help cool the world and clean the air
And I give shelter to the birds and bees and bears
My rough brown bark is kind of like your skin
It keeps the bad stuff out and the good stuff in
Sit by my trunk and rest but please be kind to me
And pass that kindness on to all the other trees
I know a kid from the mountains of Western Canada
With two parents who are the outdoorsy type
They want to see the country as a family
But most unfortunately, Ozni doesn’t like to hike
So every time they want to explore
They’ve got to strap on sparkly dancing shoes before they head out the door
Because Ozni, Ozni, she loves to dance
Ozni, Ozni, she wears a dress on top of pants
If her folks get lucky, Ozni will dance up the mountainside
Those shiny shoes are her mamma’s only hope for family time
That fluffy tutu may appear cumbersome
But Ozni, Ozni wears that gear with pride
Ozni, Ozni, she loves to dance
Ozni, Ozni, she wears a dress on top of pants
If you’re in the woods and you see a kid with a crown
Dressed like a princess about to take a coach into town
And if her footwear seems completely inappropriate
Well, if she were wearing hiking boots she’s probably be lying down!
Ozni, Ozni, she loves to dance
Ozni, Ozni, she wears a dress on top of pants
She wears a dress on top of pants
She wears a dress on top of pants
Hello Chickadee, you come to my window every day
In search of little seeds, and I love to watch you play
Until you go home, to a hole in a tree
Sing to me, little Chickadee
Red Robin out in the grass
Looking for juicy worms to take home to your nest
For you babies who are calling
Sing a little, red Robin
Pileated Woodpecker, I hear you tapping at a tree
Looking for larvae, does not sound tasty to me
You search through rotting wood, hunting for something good
Drum for me, Woodpecker
Hello bluejay, cousin to the crow
You’re no Celine Dion, but you sing everywhere you go
Brightly coloured, winter and summer
You do you, bluejay
Mourning Dove, you have a gentle cooing song
In open spaces, you’ll forage all day long
For grains and seeds, from wild grasses and weeds
Sing me a lullaby, Mourning Dove
What’s in the soil under your feet?
What kind of life are you likely to meet?
If you look, if you dig down deep
What’s in the soil under your feet?
Is that a wiggly, squiggly, jiggly earthworm?
A quiggly, wiggly, not-too-giggly earthworm?
Is that an earthworm that I see?
That earthworm looks like a friend to me!
Is that a munching, crunching, lunching arthropod?
A crawling, sprawling, manny-legged arthropod?
Is that an arthropod that I see?
That bug looks like a friend to me!
Is that a teeny, tiny, beneficial nematode
An amending, defending, pest-ending nematode?
Is that a nematode that I see?
That nematode looks like a friend to me!
Is that some reaching, stretching, spreading fungi?
Exploring, connecting, root-caressing fungi?
Is that fungi that I see?
That fungi looks like a friend to me!
Is that some slimy, sticky, healthy bacteria?
Some gloopy, goopy, great bacteria?
There’s a lot going on that we can’t see!
That bacteria sounds like a friend to me!
I know how to plant a seed
Give it everything that it needs
Rich damp soil and bright warm sun
Grow a little food for everyone
I know how to plant a seed
Give it everything that it needs
I can plant a garden row by row
I know how to make it grow
I know how to plant a seed
Give it everything that it needs
I can help my community
‘Cause I know how to plant a seed